Barley Stacks Wines is located just off the Spencer Highway, 13 kilometres south of Maitland. If travelling through Maitland, head south along the Spencer Highway for 13 kilometres until you see the large brown Barley Stacks sign on your left hand side. You will come to a cross roads, where you will see our Cellar Door sign. Turn right onto Barley Stacks Road, and then turn right again onto Lizard Park Drive. Continue for 3 kilometres until you see the Cellar Door on your left hand side.
We recommend using Lizard Park Drive from the south of the Cellar Door, as this dirt road is the best during wet weather.
When using maps, the address is 159 Lizard Park Drive, South Kilkerran, South Australia 5573.
Please remember that apps like Google Maps will always take you the shortest route, which in most cases in the country, won't be the best route.
For directions from other locations on the Yorke Peninsula, please feel free to contact the Cellar Door for directions on 0888341258.